Awesome Theatre is my home. It is the place where my work has found support and love and tender care.

And these times are very very scary and strange and weird and they just keep getting stranger. THE SKY WAS RED! JUST RED! THE SKY WAS FUCKING RED!!!! 

Anyway, on October 28th at 7pm we are holding a fundraiser. The ways that this time has impacted small theatre is...well...incalculable. Just...fucking nuts. But we are trying to keep moving forward as best we can with...well no. No grace at all. Fuck that shit. We are goofy and strange and delightful and funny and this fundraiser reflects all those things.

Look, we are asking for money. Real money. Because we need it to keep going. And that's what we are all doing during this strange time. We are going to keep going. We're going to press forward. We're going to do what we can to keep creating because that is the salt that makes this strange and sometimes hard life worth living. Silly and strange and weird and delightful is worth fighting for. It's worth voting the crazies out of office for. It's worth getting in the streets and standing with our fellow human beings for. It is worth digging deep and finding the wrong in yourself and changing for. The weird. The wonderful. The strange. The complicated. The delightful. The funny. The sexy. The beautiful. The scary. All these things are worth fighting for. And we are fighting for these things in front of green screens, socially distanced, drenched in hand sanitizer, smelling of Clorox wipes and our minds buzzing with election worries. 

So, take some time out on October 28th at 7pm. Tune in for our silly, wonderful and strange little fundraiser. Give a little bit (reserve the rest for things like...the food bank). Thank you so much. Keep fighting.



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