31 Plays in 31 Days: Death by Baby
Death by Baby
(Dorie and Gwen sit at a kitchen table
drinking tea and talking.)
Dorie They are
just so beautiful.
Gwen I know and
I love them, they are the best.
Dorie Are you
Gwen I’m really
really tired.
Dorie Well, you
do have triplets.
Gwen It’s not
the babies. I always thought it would be the babies, but it’s everyone
else. It’s the people. The old bags who walk up to the stroller when
they are sleeping and say “oh, can’t I just see them?” It’s the people in the grocery store “Oh,
you’ve got your hands full!” It’s the people who keep saying to me “Oh, they
all look just the same, how do you tell them apart?” Oh and then there’s the people who want to
know if I’m breast feeding…who the fuck knew that was such a goddamned loaded
question. There is no right answer, by
the way. If you ever find yourself with
a baby in your arms and someone asks that question, just punch them in the face
and run. I feel the same about all the
people who ask if they are natural. I
feel like I should wear a t-shirt that says “not your fucking business.” And everyone has an anecdote or a horror
story or advice. I fucking hate all the
un-fucking-solicited advice. If I hear
“Sleep when the baby sleeps” one more time I’m going to fucking kill someone
with a newnew.
Dorie What’s a
Gwen It’s what
my mom calls a pacifier. I
don’t know why.
Dorie My mom
called it a “passie”.
Gwen I
know. Everyone calls it a passie. Passie makes sense. But I can’t get it out of
my head. She was over here
for a week. I swore I would
call everything by its proper name. But
this is a “newnew” this is a “wovie” this is a “baba” and this is a
“ruffers”. Oh, and she is
Dorie What are
Gwen “Wennie”
Dorie Not mommy
or mamma or –
Gwen I know,
right? But even Peter is
saying it. Oh, and he gets
to be “dada”, but I am “Wennie”.
Dorie Ok, but
the triplets are only three months, it’s not like they even know what any of it
is. And you can just tell
you mom –
Gwen I know, I
(Peter enters with a happy baby in his hands.
He carries the baby to Gwen. The baby
stretches out his hands to her and giggles happily. Gwen takes him.)
Peter Where’s
Wennie? Where’s Wennie? Here’s Wennie! Here she is!!!!
Gwen What’s
Peter Nothing,
he’s fine. He was just
awake and I didn’t want him waking up the other two.
Gwen I’ve got
another hour with Dorie. Can’t you –
Peter I know,
I’m sorry, but I need a nap.
Gwen Dorie is
here –
Dorie I can go
if –
Gwen That’s not
what I mean. I need you
Peter I have
work –
Gwen Fine. Give me the note pad.
Peter Oh crap
Gwen What?
Peter I didn’t
write anything down.
Gwen Peter!
Peter I know, I
know. I’m just so tired.
Gwen You’re so
Peter Can we
not play this game right now?
Dorie I should
just go.
Gwen Please
stay, I need to talk to an adult.
Peter Nice
Gwen For the
love of god stop calling me that!
Peter I’m
sorry. I’m sorry.
(He starts exiting.)
Gwen Peter!
Peter I think
the other two will be asleep for at least an hour. One isn’t so bad, right?
Gwen When will I
get to sleep?
Peter Gwen,
please. I’m so tired.
Gwen Ok,
ok. Go.
I’m sorry.
(Peter exits.
The baby giggles.)
Dorie Is
everything ok?
Gwen We just
need some sleep. All of us.
Dorie Maybe I
should go, I think I’m in the way.
Gwen No, you
aren’t, really.
Dorie I am. I can tell.
Don’t worry about it. I love
you. I’ll go.
Gwen No, please. Look.
He’s happy!
(The baby starts crying.)
Dorie I’m going
to go.
(Dorie leaves. The baby stops crying and
starts giggling again.)
Gwen You evil
little thing. You did that on purpose.
Baby Yup.
Gwen What?
Baby I said:
Gwen I’m going
Baby Look,
Wennie, maybe you are going crazy. Maybe
you aren’t. It’s hard to say right
now. But, let’s you and I talk like
adults, ok?
Gwen This is
Baby I’m not
going to lie, I think it’s all a little freaky-deaky myself, but none-the-less,
you and I have some important business we need to discus. Got it?
Gwen Go it.
Baby First of
all, I got a list of demands that myself and the others have put together. No
more twinkle twinkle music box. We don’t
like wearing the same outfits. The nipples on those fancy new bottles taste
weird. Every now and again we want to
get dada in the eye when he’s changing our diapers. Carl wants a puppy like
that one kid in the sandbox had. Jenny
wants to go to the beach more. I want
more cheerios in my diet. Once our list
of demands has been met, we will allow the two of you a good solid six hours of
sleep on the weekdays and seven hours on the weekend with naps on
holidays. Got it?
Gwen Do you mean
Baby Hey, I don’t
open my mouth unless I mean it, all right?
I’m not just flapping my gums to hear myself talk. Can I continue?
Gwen We all want
more Beatles and Talking Heads, less baby Mozart. That shit’s dumb. And whatever weird uncle bought us all the
Oakland A’s stuff can take it all back.
We’re Giant’s fans all the way.
Gwen I know,
right! But I don’t want to hurt his
Baby We’re
loyal to the Giants, ma, sorry.
Gwen But your
Uncle Charlie loves you.
Baby We love
him too. Really. He’s got a funny mustache and his eye brows
to that thing we love.
Gwen This?
(Gwen raises and drops her eyebrows very
quickly. The baby laughs loudly.)
Baby You are so
good at that Wennie! Do it again!
(She does.)
Baby Ok,
ok. That’s great, but I don’t want to be
distracted any more. Now, we would like to come to an agreement a few things in
the future. These are negotiable, but it
would be best to think about it before you say no. We’ve still got the power here. So far we’ve just given you a taste of what
we can do sleep wise.
Gwen Ok.
Baby Carl
doesn’t want to go to college.
Gwen What?
Baby He wants
to travel for a little bit, maybe get married too early and then he wants to
live in a van and make leather jewelry.
Gwen Oh god no.
Baby I know,
right! It gets worse. Jenny will go to college, but she wants to
drop out half way through to move to New York to become an actress.
Gwen Jesus.
Baby Don’t
worry, she’ll go back to school and get a degree in graphic design.
Gwen That
doesn’t make me feel any better.
Baby Then
you’ll love this: I want to be a republican.
Gwen Come
Baby Hey, these
are negotiable, but it’s our opening bid.
Gwen You’re
breaking my heart you know that?
Baby Hey,
Wennie, I love you but this parenting stuff was never meant to be easy.
Gwen If you
become a republican it’ll kill your father.
Baby He’ll get
over it.
Gwen Having kids
is like having your heart walking around outside of you. I heard that from a friend, but it’s so
true. These things you are telling me
scare me so bad.
Baby That’s
just the stuff we know we want, who even knows about the stuff we’ll figure out
we want later.
Gwen Will you
still be a republican if I do this?
(She raises and lowers her eyebrows. Baby can’t help but laugh and laugh and
Baby Ah,
Wennie, I love you.
Gwen Do you
think you could call me mommy?
Baby We’ll talk
about it.
(End of play.)