I am a playwright and director. I graduated from Eastern New Mexico University with
a BFA in Performance before moving to San Francisco to earn an MFA in
Playwriting from SF State. After graduating I taught an introduction to theatre class at SF State. Currently I work in the day as an administrator in an office and at night I solve crimes in a rubber suit that has cut outs for my nipples in the shape of hearts. Probably. My wonderful husband is an actor who puts up with my terrible cooking and propensity for sleeping in.
Here are some quotes from reviews about my directing work (let us pause here and mourn all reviewers who were lost in the great news paper apocalypse...I present even my bad reviews here to honor their memory):
adds a few more layers | overly broad | fails to achieve much dramatic momentum | seamlessly staged | direction excels, coaxing charm and tenderness from lovers whose best prospect, scenes earlier, was mutual survival
I have worked with Awesome Theatre, Thunderbird Theatre
Company, No Nude Men, Three Wise Monkeys, PianoFight, AtmosTheatre, Wiley West
Productions, San Francisco Theater Pub, San Francisco Olympians Theatre
Festival, Custom Made Theatre Company, DIVAFest, and AmiosWest. I also co-founded and closed two companies devoted to the original work of people who identify as women: Ann Marie Productions and Loud and Unladylike. I am very proud of both companies and I'm sure I'll start another at some point. I mean, why not? Everyone likes credit card debt. (Seriously though, everyone should start at least three theatre companies in their lives.)
I've also been known to take production photos for cheap because I have a soft spot in my heart for brand new theatre companies.
Also, I co-host a podcast with Neil Higgins called "FMK Lit". You can find it in all the usual places. It's fucking great.
This is an old blog with posts on here that I don't know WHAT they say. I think there is one where I pledged my undying support for John Edwards. I have a soft spot for lost causes.